
What job is the pulley doing?
How does the pulley change how we work?
If they didn't use a pulley, how could they do the job?

Ayman: "It helps us to carry so it is easy to carry the mat."

Noah: "The pulley is lifting and pulling to put the mats on the roof.  They could use the stairs but it would be a lot of effort."

Shayanel: "It's lifting a blue mat.  It's pulling it up.  If we didn't have a pulley we had to lift it up the stairs.  To lift the mats we needed 16 people!"

Lara: "It's lifting a very heavy mat.  If they didn't have a pulley they would have to carry the big heavy mats up the stairs to the roof.  That would make you use much effort."

Rabia: "The man using the pulley must use a lot of effort!"

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