Explain to your family that we have been debating whether changes in cities are good or bad (or both).  We have extended our thinking to consider if these changes are based on needs or wants (or both).  Ask your family members to Lay it on the Line.   

Rusmiya'S (mom)
2/5/2013 08:57:14 pm

I think transportation is good because you can go somwhere easily. I think transportation is bad because it creates traffic. Bad transportation system sometimes creates accidents.I think transportation is a need because without transportation you can't go to long distance places.

Rusmiya's( mom)
2/5/2013 09:18:55 pm

I think construction is good because it makes people live.I think construction is bad because construction makes to much noise and people who lives uround the construction gets very distracted. I think construction is a need because you need to construct a house to live in.

2/5/2013 09:43:53 pm

I think people is good because people come to cities to work and have business for a better life. I think when moving to many people in a city increases population. I think we need people to be involved for a better community.

Vaaris sidhu
2/9/2013 11:18:43 am

Transportation is bad because transportation makes pollution and traffic.

Vaaris mom
2/9/2013 11:22:51 am

I think transportation is good means of communication in cities where distance is a problem so we need some kind of transport to go from one place to another.

Vaaris Sidhu
2/9/2013 11:33:02 am

I think construction is bad because construction makes pollution and noise.

Vaaris Sidhu
2/9/2013 11:42:04 am

I think people is bad because it makes pollution,throw trash and demolish houses to make buildings.

Lydia and mom
2/17/2013 09:47:32 pm

We put construction in the middle. We think it is good because it gives people new homes but it creates more pollution. It is both a need and a want, because if we never built any new homes there might not be enough houses for people to live in.
We put transportation in the middle because if people want to go places they're going to need transportation.


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