How do cities change over time?
What are the biggest changes that we see in cities?  Why do you think these changes happen?

Ms. Jakins
1/29/2013 03:38:51 pm

2J did a fantastic job creating Wordles about the Top 10 Ways cities change. We can think of so many different ways that cities change! Why are these cities changing???

1/29/2013 09:54:06 pm

When there are lot of people then there will be lot of transportation,buildings,traffic and pollution.

Lara (with a bit of help from her brother)
1/29/2013 07:25:16 pm

I think 2J just did an FABULOUS, EXCELLENT job. These cities are changing because there are more people coming into the cities, which also means people need transportation, resulting in more pollution.

1/29/2013 08:15:23 pm

POLLUTION IS THE BIGGEST!!!!!!It is because pollution make people ... SICK!

Ana Maya Gass
1/29/2013 08:57:08 pm

The biggest change is POLLUTION because pollution makes people sick.The second biggest change is PEOPLE because people can make pollution too.And the third biggest is TRANSPORTATION because transportation makes pollution TOOOO !!!!!

1/29/2013 09:10:39 pm

cities will change when there are too many people and too many cars and not enough space for everybody.PULLUTION IS THE BIGGEST THAN OTHER THINGS!!

1/29/2013 10:31:38 pm

Transportation is bad because if there are too many cars you can't get around and if you can't get around you can't go places. With a lot of cars you have smoke at the back. The smoke at the back is pollution. If you need more cars you need more roads and they need to dig up dirt and nature to make more roads.

1/30/2013 08:41:15 am

POLLUTION is a big problem because it makes people sick and they get diseases. But it is not easy to solve because no one wants to give up their car and there are no trains or underground like in London.

1/30/2013 05:51:37 pm

When people come there is more transportation and that makes more pollution.

1/30/2013 09:15:14 pm

I know that pollution and transportation and people are the biggest changes because people keep come to earth and be part of the life cycle and that's also the demand of life. transportation makes a lot of pollution that makes life worse and causes disease and people might get sick because of that and may need to go to hospitals to get better.

1/30/2013 09:38:31 pm

The city is changing a lot because before in bangladesh there was simple gadgets in there, and they didn't have much things like;toys,disigned clothes, craft, machines,t.v., lights and other things. Now there are many incredible and special things and they do not need to much effort to pull, push or lift things up or down.


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